2016 Events

2016 Events

Mull of Galloway Experience 2016 Events There have been a series of fantastic events at the Mull of Galloway Experience during 2016 including our smugglers’ weekend, International Lighthouse Heritage Weekend, Owl Magic, craft markets and car rallies. Thank you...
Vehicle Enthusiasts

Vehicle Enthusiasts

Vehicle Enthusiasts at the Mull of Galloway Last weekend the Mull of Galloway welcomed the Solway Vehicle Enthusiasts Club with around 30 iconic vehicles arriving at the lighthouse at the end of their road run from Dumfries. The weather was wonderful and the crowds...
Whales and Dolphins

Whales and Dolphins

Whales and Dolphins around the Dumfries & Galloway Coast Have you ever wanted to find out more about whales and dolphins?  Well now’s your chance.  To celebrate World Oceans Day, DGERC are running an informal ID day to help local wildlife watchers to recognise the...
BBC The Adventure Show

BBC The Adventure Show

Cameron McNeish visited the Mull of Galloway last year filming for his BBC “The Adventure Show” programme introducing his long walk up Scotland, from the Mull of Galloway to Islay. Cameron McNeish climbed the Mull of Galloway Lighthouse and walked the...